
USCulturalExchange provides schools with qualified, experienced and ambitious internationals educators. These teachers bring their expertise and methodologies into U.S. classrooms to provide quality education and enhance student’s learning. 

How We Can help you

We offer all our schools the same quality service across the most important aspects of hiring talent.


Source | Screen

We work closely with the school to understand their needs and how we can meet them. 

We source and screen interested international candidates to ensure they meet the criteria.



We present eligible candidates  to the school for further interview and co-ordinate a demo lesson.

We review each candidate with the school and help decide on the best fit.

Contract Offer

On Boarding

We negotiate a contract with the candidate. We file necessary paperwork to secure the candidate’s visa.

We welcome the teacher upon arrival and help them get established in their new community.


We work with a  U.S. Department of State Designated Sponsor to make the visa process quick and easy.


Once a candidate is successful. We will connect with our designated program sponsor to begin filing the visa paperwork to ensure its timely issuance.


There are two options for sponsorship. International teachers can fund their own visa or schools can pay if they wish. This is at the discretion of each school and can be built into the contract.


Internationals teachers can obtain a visa for 1-5 years. The initial visa can be for a duration of one year. Depending on the wishes of the candidate and the client, it can then be renewed yearly.


Once a candidate accepts the job offer, they will be on an Exchange Visitor Program with strict parameters that do not permit them to work for another school. This naturally leads to improved employee retention rates and lower staff attrition at schools.